Die offizielle Webseite von Schauspieler Henning Vogt

“We will call to account those who have used up our future.”
(Yldune, “Let them Eat Money”/Andres Veiel)

© Henning Vogt

© Henning Vogt

by Andres Veiel in cooperation with Jutta Doberstein
World Premiere: 28. September 2018

Deutsches Theater Berlin
Coproduction with Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss

“A look into the future! Using participatory formats, Andres Veiel has written a play based on a collaboration with academics and citizens on the subjects of work, finance, the environment, etc., which deals with the past in the future: in 2028, a committee of inquiry asks who is responsible for the events of the years 2018 to 2028. After Italy’s withdrawal from the EU in 2023, Europe finds itself facing one of the biggest crises in its history – reason enough to take countermeasures and introduce an unconditional basic income in the rest of the EU. But an economic crash is unstoppable. Can the cause be found in a random chain of the best intentions? Andres Veiel’s aim is to confront conflicting visions of the future beyond the confines of legislative periods or political party interests. So both utopian and dystopian moments are equally up for discussion. What steps are were tracing? And which are we leaving behind?” (Text: Deutsches Theater Berlin)

Coproduction with The Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace, sponsored by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.

Deutsches Theater Berlin …
Information on the research and the overall project can also be found at


20. / 21. September 2019: Seoul, Korea,
3.Oktober 2019 Staatsschauspiel Dresden

directed by: Andres Veiel
Stage: Julia Kaschlinski, Costume: Michaela Barth, Video: Daniel Hengst

Kathleen Morgeneyer (Yldune), ThorstenHirse / Božidar Kocevski (Onz), Susanne-Marie Waage (Franca Roloeg), Paul Grill (Raps Rosser), Frank Seppeler / Timo Weisschnur (Stefan Tarp), Jörg Pose / Henning Vogt (Frerich Konnst), Celia Bähr / Luise Hart (Sina), Jürgen Huth / Helmut Moshammer (Jürgen Bandowski)

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