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Henning Vogt was born in 1972 in Bochum, Germany. After finishing High School, he began to study History, German and Art History. From 1994-1998 he attended the “Academy for Music and Theatre”  in Leipzig, to become an actor. Since then, he ́s been working for film and television productions as well as for the theatre.

During his studies he appeared in productions in Chemnitz, Rudolstadt and at the Dresden State Theatre. In 1998 he joined the Oldenburg State Theatre, where he starred in productions such as Martin McDonagh’s “The Cripple of Inishman” and the stage adaptation of Irvine Welsh’s “Trainspotting”.

Since 2001 Henning Vogt has been performing continuously at the Deutsches Theater Berlin in various international acclaimed productions, such as “Faust”, “The Oresteia” (Golden Laurel Wreth Award) and “Emilia Galotti”, which participated on several Theatre Festivals worldwide, as the BAM Festival in New York, Moscow, Mexico City, Tokyo, Toronto and Rome, for instance, and won several awards: the Nestroy-Award, the Golden Mask and the Friedrich-Luft-Award.  “Tales from the Vienna Wodd” got Faust-Preis-nominated and “The Oresteia” received an invitation to the Berliner-Theatertreffen.

He played In  Rudolf Thome´s roadmovie  “Into the Blue”, in Magical Mystery and Letzte Spur Berlin as well, as the major charactre Leon Marx in the german TV series “Heaven and Earth” (Himmel und Erde), a  priest, who is starting to work in his first parish and many other roles.

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  • 2016 Magical Mystery
    Cinema/Razor-Film/D: Arne Feldhusen
  • 2016 A Gentle Noise Between The Lines
    Filmuniversität Babelsberg/MDR
    D: Sophie Linnenbaum
  • 2015 Meeting with a Stranger
    D: L. Witossek
  • 2015 Der Dicke liebt Shortfilm
    Blue-Eyes-Fiction-München/D: Alexander Khuon
  • 2012 Into the Blue/Ins Blaue
    : Rudolf Thome 
  • 2003 Bibi Blocksberg And The Secret Of The Blue Owls
    Cinema/Bavaria-Munich/D: Franziska Buch
  • 2001 The Monster
    Cinema/Sunset-Movie/D: Miriam Pfeiffer



  • 2021 Soko-Stuttgart
    Folge: Blutiger Protest
    ZDF/Bavaria Fiction/ R: P. Winczewski
  • 2021  Soko Leipzig
    D: P. Winczewski
  • 2020 Split Homicide
    Jagd auf einen Toten
    Telev./ D: Michael Kreindl
  • 2019 Split Homicide
    two episodes: Tote Mädchen /Tränenhochzeit
    Telev./ D: Michael Kreindl
  • 2018 Retnercops Alles Symbolik
    ARD/ Bavaria/ D: P. Winczewski
  • 2016 Letzte Spur Berlin
    ZDF/Nova Film/ D: Stefan Kornatz
  • 2016 In aller Freundschaft
    Freunde in der Not
    ZDF/D: Mathias Luther
  • 2015 Alles Klara-Heart of Glass
    mdr/Degeto: Thomas Freundner
  • 2015 Nortruf Hafenkante-The false woman
    ZDF/D: Oren Schmuckler 
  • 2015 Notruf Hafenkante-Silently
    ZDF/D: Oren Schmuckler
  • 2014 Ein Fall von Liebe-Friends
    ARD/D: Oliver Dommenget 
  • 2014 Deutschland-Saga
    ZDF (Doku-Drama)
    D: Gero von Boehm, Sebastian Scherrer
  • 2009 Notruf Hafenkante-Dangerous Photos
    ZDF/D: Oren Schmuckler 
  • 2007 R.I.S. Die Sprache der Toten-Silent Waters
    Sat 1/D: Florian Froschmeyer 
  • 2006 The Orestia (Theaterverfilmung)
    3sat/D: Michael Thalheimer
  • 2006 Good Monrning Mr. Grothe
    ARD/WDR/D: Lars Kraume 
  • 2003 Ein starkes Team-The Big Silence
    ZDF/D: Maris Pfeiffer
  • 2002-2003 Samt & Seide, (12 episodes)
    ZDF/R: Gunther Friedrich
  • 2002 Emilia Galotti
    ZDF/D: M.Thalheimer, Hannes Rossacher 
  • 1999-2001 Heaven and Earth (4 episodes)
    ARD/D: Ed Herzog 
  • 1999-2001 Heaven and Earth (3 episodes)
    ARD/D: Arend Agthe
  • 1999-2001 Heaven and Earth (3 episodes)
    ARD/D: Claudia Garde  
  • 1999-2001 Heaven and Earth (3 episodes)
    ARD/D: Dominik Wessely


as Steve in A Streetcar Named Desire
Berliner Ensemble/D: M.Thalheimer

as Frerich Konnst in Let them eat money-Welche Zukunft?!
D: Andres Veiel

1994-1998 Acting School

Academy for Music und Theatre Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Leipzig


2019 Nomination Friedrich Luft-Award for A  Streetcar Named Desire
2013 Nomination Faust-Award for Tales From The Vienna Wood
2007  Golden Laurel Wreth Award for The Oresteia
2006 Golden Mask for Emilia Galotti
2002 Friedrich-Luft-Award for Emilia Galotti

2002 Nestroy-Award for Emilia Galotti

2018-2020  Berliner Ensemble

Steve in A Streetcar Named Desire
D: M. Thalheimer

2019 Deutsches Theater Berlin

Frerich Konnst in Let them eat money-Welche Zukunft?!
D: Andres Veiel

2015-2018  Staatstheater Dresden

Polonius in Hamlet
D: Roger Vontobel

2001- 2018 Deutsches Theater Berlin

Wladimir in Nobody
D: D.Paritschek
Duke Alba in Don Carlos
D: St. Kimmig
Duke Du Chatel in The Maid of Orleans
D: Michael Thalheimer
Havlitschek in Tales from the Vienna Wood
D: Michael Thalheimer
Agamemnon in The Oresteia
D: Michael Thalheimer
Duke Alba in Don Carlos
D: Nikolas Stemann
Tusenbach in Three Sisters
D: Michael Thalheimer
Lynkeus/Heermeister in Goethe´s Faust. Part 2.
D: M. Thalheimer
Andrej in Fußbodenbelag
D: Christoph Mehler
Auguste Bolte by Kurt Schwitters, a monologue
D: Michael Schweighöfer
Judge Harthorne in The Crucible
D: Thomas Schulte-Michels
Corvinio in Volpone
D: Dimiter Gotscheff
Mr. Cussick  in The World Jones Made
D: Eike Hannemann
Valentin in Goethe´s Faust. Part 1.
D: Michael Thalheimer
The Son in Sleep
D: Michael Thalheimer
Jochanaan in Salome
D: Jürgen Kruse

Peter Korach in The Proof
D: Bettina Bruinier
Earl Appiani in Emilia Galotti
D: Michael Thalheimer
Max in Ein Teil der Gans
D: Philipp Preuß
Duke Albani in King Lear
D: Thomas Langhoff


One of the Twins in The Notebook
D: Martin Nimz, Voxxx-Chemnitz

1998-2000 Statstheater Oldenburg

Bartley in The cripple of Inishmaan
D: Urs Odermatt
Schufterle/Schwarz in The Robbers
D: Michael Heiks
Tommy in Trainspotting
D: Jürgen Zielinski
Jack in Charley´s Aunt
D: Henning Rühle
Hermit, Rabe, Bandit chief in The Snow Queen
D: Kai Festersen

1996-1998 during Acting School

Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
R: Michael Thalheimer, Voxxx Chemnitz

Yang Sun in The Good Person of Szechwan
D: Brigitte Soubeyrand,Schauspiel Chemnitz
 Landlord in The Cold Heart
D:  Sebastian Orlac, Schauspiel Chemnitz
Demetrius in A Summernight ́s Dream
D: Frank Lienert, Thüringer Landestheater Rudolstadt
Emanuele Giri/Caruthers in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
D:  Volker Metzler, Staatstheater Dresden
Pancratio in The Two Venecian Twins
D: Manuel Soubeyrand, Acting School

  • profile

  • borne 1972
  • performing age 35 to 45
  • size 1,89 cm or 6 feet and 2.4 inches
  • shape athletic, sporty
  • weight 82 kg or 180 lp
  • hair colour light brown
  • eye colour brown
  • native language German
  • languages Englisch
  • sports Skiing, Tennis, Schwimming, Cycling
  • driving licence yes
  • residence Berlin







Talent Agent/Representatives
Cornelia Otte
& Kristina Richter
Marienburger Str. 8
10407 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 32664427
Fax +49 30 32664428